@CNN: Want a job as a NASA astronaut? Read this https://t.co/rgczVPzCp8 https://t.co/zCNlzuWKbt September 18, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Want a job as a NASA astronaut? Read this https://t.co/rgczVPzCp8 https://t.co/zCNlzuWKbt Want a job as a NASA astronaut? Read this https://t.co/rgczVPzCp8 http://pic.twitter.com/zCNlzuWKbt — CNN (@CNN) September 18, 2017 cnn
@CNN: Every Catholic diocese in Texas has released the names of all priests, deacons and other clergy members accused of sexually abusing children in the past decades https://t.co/X8i9Iw1nfR 5 years ago
@CNN: The publisher of James Comey’s book “A Higher Loyalty” is printing 850,000 copies to meet the expected demand from buyers. It’s already guaranteed to be a best-seller based solely on the number of pre-orders. https://t.co/7hNeIiGbdV https://t.co/yhfszaBfzU 6 years ago
@CNN: Chelsea Manning’s health threatened by solitary confinement in Virginia jail, her support group says https://t.co/0dI5iZsqb2 https://t.co/LrApzCdiTZ 5 years ago
@CNN: “It’s been unbelievable, to get to this level again, I didn’t know if that would happen again and lo and behold, here we are.” Tiger Woods won a PGA tournament for the first time in five years following a long and painful recovery from a back injury. https://t.co/5eALitMN5Z https://t.co/3ZwNWSmiuo 6 years ago
@CNN: US President Trump said potential sites for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have been narrowed to “two or three” locations. While the location has not been determined, US officials favor Singapore, sources say. https://t.co/wvshysaqqR https://t.co/Mnbu44JSim 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNnewsroom: GM worker of 40 years, Carmela Denno, tells @PoppyHarlowCNN she finds Trump’s comments on what he claims he’s done for manufacturing in the US “offensive.” “We are the magic wand. We are the people that kept GM here all that time… I feel we kept GM here, not any president.” https://t.co/7u4pGkODLq 6 years ago