@CNN: This Japanese secret can help you live to 100 https://t.co/RRuI6K8C6U https://t.co/UDMbwX3tzb November 18, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: This Japanese secret can help you live to 100 https://t.co/RRuI6K8C6U https://t.co/UDMbwX3tzb This Japanese secret can help you live to 100 https://t.co/RRuI6K8C6U pic.twitter.com/UDMbwX3tzb — CNN (@CNN) November 18, 2018 cnn
@CNN: A US-led coalition airstrike bombed and destroyed a T-72 tank threatening coalition forces in Syria https://t.co/FvTQ8PGTrs 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: CNN’s @ananavarro: “In politics, in life, in business, the people around the principal are a very accurate reflection of that principal. You see it all the time. So the reason [Trump] is surrounded by all these rats, is because he is a rat.” https://t.co/tOCMEvgGHA https://t.co/gSDxomBvVa 6 years ago
@CNN: No, Dana Loesch, members of the media do not love mass shootings | via @BrianStelter https://t.co/B5z28RhNVN https://t.co/0q6y39Itd0 6 years ago
@CNN: Regular use of a CPAP machine could improve the sex lives of people with obstructive sleep apnea — especially women, a new study says https://t.co/IhDbgCFME9 https://t.co/oSwKL3056r 6 years ago
@CNN: “if you don’t have a problem with Americans drinking contaminated drinking water, drink it yourself until you tap out or resign,” Arnold Schwarzenegger tweeted to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt https://t.co/fvYXjKtHcV https://t.co/aLoFyB4ykf 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNnewsroom: “I’ve seen a good number of people who have decided to ride the storm out,” says @edlavaCNN in Florida https://t.co/TqosStfMr2 7 years ago