@CNN: This is how roasted almonds are turned into marzipan. https://t.co/APeQogsUSb https://t.co/pBqBBnOd9X September 20, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: This is how roasted almonds are turned into marzipan. https://t.co/APeQogsUSb https://t.co/pBqBBnOd9X This is how roasted almonds are turned into marzipan. https://t.co/APeQogsUSb pic.twitter.com/pBqBBnOd9X — CNN (@CNN) September 21, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Why Amazon can’t touch Ross and TJMaxx https://t.co/MZCfr2JcoN https://t.co/wAfwTit8JY 6 years ago
@CNN: Arizona has suspended Uber’s self-driving car tests in the state following a fatal crash involving one of the company’s autonomous vehicles https://t.co/Akf41ICEAX https://t.co/s1vJkRXPOo 7 years ago
@CNN: It will likely cost a little less to buy the benchmark Obamacare plan next year. The rate could drop for the first time since the Affordable Care Act exchanges opened in 2014. https://t.co/k41MDxGbJC https://t.co/YbRRcebcPf 6 years ago
@CNN: Arkansas and Kentucky officials are vowing to continue the fight to implement work requirements in their Medicaid programs despite a US District Court judge striking down the mandates https://t.co/4fsX70Pmo0 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @AC360: Exclusive: Tom Arnold, Roseanne Barr’s ex-husband and former writer on “Roseanne,” weighs in on the fallout tonight with CNN’s Anderson Cooper at 8pm ET. https://t.co/wV85wo0DAv https://t.co/sdvJz2PauW 6 years ago
@CNN: These are the most downloaded iOS apps of 2018: https://t.co/OLhjdE80Ly https://t.co/RHqVQWc1ox 6 years ago