@CNN: This is how Google got its start https://t.co/GZ9CCkMnRQ https://t.co/lcY7iXovvK December 12, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: This is how Google got its start https://t.co/GZ9CCkMnRQ https://t.co/lcY7iXovvK This is how Google got its start https://t.co/GZ9CCkMnRQ pic.twitter.com/lcY7iXovvK — CNN (@CNN) December 12, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Heat-resistant corals in the Middle East could save the world’s dying reefs https://t.co/ZVgjqFSSXH https://t.co/Gqu6uqRWGO 6 years ago
@CNN: Vulnerable Democratic incumbents are betting that the Republican tax bill will be a political albatross in the 2018 midterm elections — but it could be a risky gamble, strategists from both parties tell CNN https://t.co/iP6RdYgbxh https://t.co/eRg3Ri0aD0 7 years ago
@CNN: Susan Collins just made Brett Kavanaugh a Supreme Court justice | Analysis by @CillizzaCNN https://t.co/88xhhaQuhP https://t.co/ifbtg0vbCJ 6 years ago
@CNN: “I really like this gun. But you know what I like more? Is when people don’t get killed.” After the Florida school shooting that left 17 dead, this woman decided to cut her gun in half https://t.co/rPAUVfjRz8 https://t.co/unxLqwgxX3 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNSitRoom: “We shouldn’t just take the President’s word just because there’s a denial. We need to know the facts.” – Democratic Sen. Doug Jones calls President Trump’s remark that he feels ‘badly’ for Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh “unfortunate.” https://t.co/6voZgxyJ58 https://t.co/HL6sshHAcp 6 years ago
@CNN: Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican, says the GOP is “losing the future” by “turning off millennials” https://t.co/iNEUj11LF0 https://t.co/kXysIhSZdd 7 years ago