@CNN: The stories behind 5 of Aretha Franklin’s biggest songs https://t.co/gaZyd1ontY https://t.co/Z7RxRaX1sC August 28, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: The stories behind 5 of Aretha Franklin’s biggest songs https://t.co/gaZyd1ontY https://t.co/Z7RxRaX1sC The stories behind 5 of Aretha Franklin's biggest songs https://t.co/gaZyd1ontY pic.twitter.com/Z7RxRaX1sC — CNN (@CNN) August 28, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Beijing Daxing International Airport is slated to open in 2019, with ambitions to become the largest and busiest airport in the world. Nicknamed the “starfish,” 100 million passengers and 4 million tons of cargo could eventually pass through it each year. https://t.co/EnXzCWqKlo https://t.co/AhH7kH3gWS 6 years ago
@CNN: Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who led the Archdiocese of Washington, after a decades-old allegation of sexual abuse of a teenage altar boy https://t.co/XIjkIYawx9 https://t.co/ObocioAmTP 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @TheLeadCNN: “Things have not progressed … At this point it looks like we could be in for a very long term shutdown,” Republican @RepMarkMeadows tells @DanaBashCNN on the state of the government shutdown. https://t.co/VzeIRfziWn 6 years ago
@CNN: Payless is the latest retail chain to close up shop in the United States. The discount shoe store will close all 2,100 of its locations in the US and Puerto Rico in the coming months, a spokesperson says https://t.co/k1r4s3mlWW 5 years ago
@CNN: This article and headline have been updated to remove references to reporting that Bulger’s attackers attempted to remove his tongue during the attack. CNN has not been able to independently confirm this information. https://t.co/aarYRzIQpO 6 years ago
@CNN: Disney Imagineering has just released video of “Stuntronics” — robots capable of performing impressive stunts at its theme park attractions https://t.co/kHzSCZlKyx https://t.co/ik4U87j7JB 6 years ago