@CNN: The Russia investigation’s effect on the GOP agenda https://t.co/N36ybQAJP3 https://t.co/lDRkdkdIXK December 24, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: The Russia investigation’s effect on the GOP agenda https://t.co/N36ybQAJP3 https://t.co/lDRkdkdIXK The Russia investigation's effect on the GOP agenda https://t.co/N36ybQAJP3 http://pic.twitter.com/lDRkdkdIXK — CNN (@CNN) December 24, 2017 cnn
@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci says President Trump “probably has a discretionary authority” to divert funds from disaster aid to build his border wall but he “would caution him not to do it” https://t.co/Enncg5V2oD https://t.co/Jo3KQfZHQj 6 years ago
@CNN: The Trump White House may have too much at stake to make Saudi Arabia pay a proportionate price for the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi, writes @stcollinson https://t.co/7mALGtlKyz 6 years ago
@CNN: Beyoncé and Serena are changing the narrative for women by speaking out about their postpartum struggles | @CNNOpinion https://t.co/QyDWqVBtx5 6 years ago
@CNN: DOJ to retry woman who laughed during Sessions’ confirmation hearing https://t.co/3nMbNM5hQn https://t.co/P6Sxk4U66N 7 years ago
@CNN: A former personal assistant to a Goldman Sachs executive has been charged with stealing $1.2 million worth of rare wine from his boss http://ift.tt/2Dp9di3 http://ift.tt/2mMqVAT 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @TheLeadCNN: The top three Virginia politicians — Gov. Ralph Northam, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax and Attorney General Mark Herring — are all engulfed in scandal. CNN’s @ryanobles has the latest on this story from Richmond, Virginia. https://t.co/L86DwHAFb5 https://t.co/931u16YCsI 5 years ago