@CNN: The local’s guide to Venice Beach https://t.co/P1sN7sh2zz https://t.co/1ot4MZRFiX December 26, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: The local’s guide to Venice Beach https://t.co/P1sN7sh2zz https://t.co/1ot4MZRFiX The local's guide to Venice Beach https://t.co/P1sN7sh2zz http://pic.twitter.com/1ot4MZRFiX — CNN (@CNN) December 26, 2017 cnn
@CNN: Companies headquartered in California can no longer have all-male boards, according to a newly enacted law. Publicly traded firms in the state are required to place at least one woman on their board of directors by the end of 2019 — or face a penalty. https://t.co/HJkViZRrwt https://t.co/51qNkqXU5L 6 years ago
@CNN: “He dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write that letter,” Bornstein told CNN. “I just made it up as I went along.” https://t.co/UGHRi7xe4v 6 years ago
@CNN: “The White House dusted off the podium for the first press briefing in 19 days today. Like, they literally dusted it off, it’s been so long since the White House actually had a briefing.” – @andersoncooper https://t.co/D8JXYZX9NR #KeepingThemHonest https://t.co/zMnRIhI04U 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNPolitics: White House press secretary Sarah Sanders outlines President Trump’s proposal for gun safety measures https://t.co/Kn8CIQeX3U 7 years ago
@CNN: The Philippines has suspended its large-scale dengue vaccination effort after learning that Dengvaxia could make some people more susceptible to the disease https://t.co/mVJYGEDSWN https://t.co/hrkEWACAK3 7 years ago
@CNN: With temperatures in the danger zone and snow blocking driveways, a Michigan pharmacist jumped on a snowmobile to deliver medicine to customers https://t.co/yUbvrliBOA https://t.co/ojMqhj0Nya 6 years ago