@CNN: The latest on R. Kelly: https://t.co/LKVMw4JWv1 https://t.co/olOjb0bIec February 22, 2019 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: The latest on R. Kelly: https://t.co/LKVMw4JWv1 https://t.co/olOjb0bIec The latest on R. Kelly: https://t.co/LKVMw4JWv1 pic.twitter.com/olOjb0bIec — CNN (@CNN) February 23, 2019 cnn
@CNN: If you’re in your mid-40s and haven’t had your colon checked, it might be time. The American Cancer Society says colon and rectal cancer screenings should start at age 45 instead of 50, as previously advised https://t.co/Fc2w0i0KGD https://t.co/UmpI0KsHhs 6 years ago
@CNN: Donations pour in for a high school rifle team after the school board votes against accepting an NRA grant https://t.co/juPNgXHqOh https://t.co/LRNU9cYSae 6 years ago
@CNN: CNN’s @DonLemon: “You cannot care about one lie or liar and then dismiss another. That is the definition of hypocrisy. If you believe that Michael Cohen lied, then you’ve got to believe that the President lied too, that’s how it works” https://t.co/ogQUGb4GiY https://t.co/uta2cAjtjl 6 years ago
@CNN: Alan Naiman was known for his frugality — he wore Costco jeans, bought his favorite pocket T-shirts at a grocery store and squirreled away every penny he could. So when he died, friends were surprised to learn he had left more than $11 million to charity https://t.co/bces2sL8Iz https://t.co/krw4uyJYxO 6 years ago
@CNN: The statesman and the showman: Trump’s supporters see little of John McCain in the President, which is exactly what has energized his political base | Analysis by @StCollinson https://t.co/CACq7yh69I 6 years ago
@CNN: This woman is being hailed as a hero after confronting another woman who was criticizing two friends for speaking Spanish to each other at a store in Colorado https://t.co/6QnM4T44ID https://t.co/whUFl7Zlg6 6 years ago