@CNN: Take a look back at the photos that shaped 2017 https://t.co/Jc7RnATvve https://t.co/J8yHHF1WV2 December 15, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Take a look back at the photos that shaped 2017 https://t.co/Jc7RnATvve https://t.co/J8yHHF1WV2 Take a look back at the photos that shaped 2017 https://t.co/Jc7RnATvve http://pic.twitter.com/J8yHHF1WV2 — CNN (@CNN) December 16, 2017 cnn
@CNN: Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe says he ordered an investigation into whether President Trump obstructed justice as a way to preserve ongoing inquiries into Russian election meddling in case there was an effort to terminate them https://t.co/zXqgEtRCZI https://t.co/RTzLdz5m1q 5 years ago
@CNN: The zero-gravity dance party where everyone floats in the air https://t.co/tpyqu18sPH https://t.co/lWYVC65daW 6 years ago
@CNN: A baby who was born on a Paris train has been offered free rail travel throughout the city up until the age of 25 https://t.co/wCfotc2d4Y via @CNNTravel https://t.co/PwGPBmEbz0 6 years ago
@CNN: The official most incredible reason Trump wanted alone time with Putin | Analysis by CNN’s Z. Byron Wolf https://t.co/ulrzF50bee https://t.co/fbl3Lz8n1D 6 years ago
@CNN: The remains of a woman found Friday are those of a teacher who had been missing for almost a week, Maine authorities have confirmed https://t.co/kYJfJ0E1wW https://t.co/8nfdjfhy5K 6 years ago
@CNN: US investigators believe that a company owned by Putin’s “chef” financed a “troll factory” that spread fake news… https://t.co/vEk4CoujBl 7 years ago