@CNN: Snapchat faces backlash after its app redesign https://t.co/ToHCzvomWi https://t.co/8nSbXj4Lhi February 12, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Snapchat faces backlash after its app redesign https://t.co/ToHCzvomWi https://t.co/8nSbXj4Lhi Snapchat faces backlash after its app redesign https://t.co/ToHCzvomWi pic.twitter.com/8nSbXj4Lhi — CNN (@CNN) February 12, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself “American Indian”: “There really is an important distinction of tribal citizenship. I am not a member of the tribe and I have apologized for not being more sensitive to that distinction” https://t.co/DTCGbixb92 https://t.co/KmTqgBTdHd 5 years ago
@CNN: “Fortnite” is red hot, but EA and Activision are still thriving https://t.co/6DJ0lH16YH https://t.co/1kHZy7rhyM 6 years ago
@CNN: Netflix is buying its first production studio — in Albuquerque, New Mexico https://t.co/suxrzNRQrk https://t.co/xJTLF2dl9k 6 years ago
@CNN: Saudi women to be notified of divorce by text message https://t.co/SkQUUdVcFT https://t.co/bmZUipYfmF 6 years ago
@CNN: A new study has confirmed what we’ve long expected: Facebook is no longer the most popular social media site among teens ages 13 to 17 https://t.co/oDQJxxC5Xt 6 years ago
@CNN: Google has dropped plans to build a large campus in Berlin after months of fierce protests from locals https://t.co/amMsXlZBYD https://t.co/J5NW1iTb0j 6 years ago