@CNN: Serena Williams wins first Wimbledon match as a mom https://t.co/uunq4CJzem https://t.co/YwhLQiD0W8 July 3, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Serena Williams wins first Wimbledon match as a mom https://t.co/uunq4CJzem https://t.co/YwhLQiD0W8 Serena Williams wins first Wimbledon match as a mom https://t.co/uunq4CJzem pic.twitter.com/YwhLQiD0W8 — CNN (@CNN) July 3, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Christine Blasey Ford is on the cover of this week’s Time magazine. But it’s not a photograph of Ford; it’s an illustration of the words and phrases from her testimony arranged into a striking image of her taking an oath. https://t.co/zFukLbsFSm https://t.co/TSK1NSbzUD 6 years ago
@CNN: President Trump awards Medal of Honor to a retired US Navy SEAL. Watch CNN: https://t.co/UYpqI3w42L Watch on Facebook: https://t.co/BHlbrYcWiY https://t.co/XWFFckl1Sq 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: “Helsinki summit should not have happened. It wasn’t well prepared. We really didn’t have a set of goals. Most importantly, we didn’t work with our allies in getting agreement on the goals.” – Former National Security Adviser Tom Donilon https://t.co/6wAfKS5tiV 6 years ago
@CNN: Sen. Jeff Flake: “Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior” has become excused as “telling it like it is” https://t.co/km12Yq1XNT 7 years ago
@CNN: Avril, 20, has been fighting ISIS for three years — the deaths of her fellow fighters only made her more determine… https://t.co/EyPgmR1H8y 7 years ago
@CNN: The Trump administration is investigating how Michigan State University handled the sexual abuse cases of sports doctor Larry Nassar https://t.co/2NtHDIXFga https://t.co/aa8DAWPjpx 7 years ago