@CNN: Senators are deeply immersed in a battle over the plan to remake the US tax code. At 9 p.m. ET, @JakeTapper and @DanaBashCNN moderate a #TaxDebate featuring @TedCruz, @SenatorTimScott, @SenSanders and @MariaCantwell https://t.co/MtM4IPutU1 https://t.co/lqvHQ7LlyR

@CNN: Senators are deeply immersed in a battle over the plan to remake the US tax code. At 9 p.m. ET, @JakeTapper and @DanaBashCNN moderate a #TaxDebate featuring @TedCruz, @SenatorTimScott, @SenSanders and @MariaCantwell https://t.co/MtM4IPutU1 https://t.co/lqvHQ7LlyR