@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: “It is a mystery to me why…a member of the United States Congress…isn’t more concerned about what is now well established Russian interference.” – @RepDennyHeck on why House Intel. Chairman @DevinNunes still hasn’t read the Carter Page FISA materials https://t.co/t4KByaDAjz https://t.co/MQisJnF61G
"It is a mystery to me why…a member of the United States Congress…isn't more concerned about what is now well established Russian interference." – @RepDennyHeck on why House Intel. Chairman @DevinNunes still hasn't read the Carter Page FISA materials https://t.co/t4KByaDAjz pic.twitter.com/MQisJnF61G
— OutFrontCNN (@OutFrontCNN) July 25, 2018