@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: “If you see something suspicious, call it in. We have to remain vigilant, especially at a time where we’re continuing to see breaking news, and new devices.” – Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan, Homeland Security Committee
https://t.co/9Y4h3CfQ7V https://t.co/LCb9JVyV2h
"If you see something suspicious, call it in. We have to remain vigilant, especially at a time where we're continuing to see breaking news, and new devices." – Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan, Homeland Security Committeehttps://t.co/9Y4h3CfQ7V pic.twitter.com/LCb9JVyV2h
— OutFrontCNN (@OutFrontCNN) October 26, 2018