@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: DNC Chair @TomPerez predicts Dems will capture the House and “surprise” in the Senate. “I’m still very confident that we’re going to take the House and I believe that we’re going to surprise a lot of people in the US Senate as well,” he told @JakeTapper https://t.co/CB5m4Zokve https://t.co/Fb2pFRzmmV

@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: DNC Chair @TomPerez predicts Dems will capture the House and “surprise” in the Senate.

“I’m still very confident that we’re going to take the House and I believe that we’re going to surprise a lot of people in the US Senate as well,” he told @JakeTapper https://t.co/CB5m4Zokve https://t.co/Fb2pFRzmmV