@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: Chris Christie says the President is a hard worker, while Newt Gingrich notes that Winston Churchill took regular naps.
But as reports reveal Trump spends 60% of his working hours on “executive time,” the internet isn’t taking the news lying down. ⏱
https://t.co/1EBl4nN22q https://t.co/L884HeQvXt
Chris Christie says the President is a hard worker, while Newt Gingrich notes that Winston Churchill took regular naps.
But as reports reveal Trump spends 60% of his working hours on "executive time," the internet isn't taking the news lying down. ⏱https://t.co/1EBl4nN22q pic.twitter.com/L884HeQvXt— OutFrontCNN (@OutFrontCNN) February 5, 2019