@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: “You should admit he’s lying, and you don’t, and that’s why people don’t trust you.” CNN’s @ChrisCuomo clashes with Counselor to the President @KellyannePolls over President Trump’s many lies: https://t.co/PROIlIUb0p https://t.co/3mewhZWDg0
“You should admit he's lying, and you don't, and that's why people don't trust you.” CNN’s @ChrisCuomo clashes with Counselor to the President @KellyannePolls over President Trump’s many lies: https://t.co/PROIlIUb0p pic.twitter.com/3mewhZWDg0
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) August 24, 2018