@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: “You don’t release evidence piecemeal, that’s what the Trump people did do early on before they got their act together. … It may end up biting them in the rear end, so if they released it, it was not good lawyering in my view.”- Alan Dershowitz reacts to the Cohen tapes https://t.co/0Lh2RDrzYI
"You don't release evidence piecemeal, that's what the Trump people did do early on before they got their act together. … It may end up biting them in the rear end, so if they released it, it was not good lawyering in my view."- Alan Dershowitz reacts to the Cohen tapes pic.twitter.com/0Lh2RDrzYI
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) July 21, 2018