@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: Utah Mayor, Major Brent Taylor served country, community and family in a way few of us could match, before laying down his life in Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace. Let us now honor his sacrifice by doing what he asked. Go vote, tomorrow. https://t.co/IcjxR0hB3B https://t.co/bxjwMPknad
Utah Mayor, Major Brent Taylor served country, community and family in a way few of us could match, before laying down his life in Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace. Let us now honor his sacrifice by doing what he asked. Go vote, tomorrow. https://t.co/IcjxR0hB3B pic.twitter.com/bxjwMPknad
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) November 6, 2018