@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: Trump was at the illegal hush money meeting, source says
CNN’s @ChrisCuomo: “Pecker said he was at the meeting. Cohen said he knew about it and the tape says that, why deny it?”
Kellyanne Conway: “…The President said he never directed Cohen to break the law.” https://t.co/q3lx73sj6B
Trump was at the illegal hush money meeting, source says
CNN's @ChrisCuomo: "Pecker said he was at the meeting. Cohen said he knew about it and the tape says that, why deny it?"
Kellyanne Conway: "…The President said he never directed Cohen to break the law." pic.twitter.com/q3lx73sj6B
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) December 14, 2018