@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: Republican @RepKinzinger say the shutdown stalemate is an international “embarrassment.”
“Our inability to have this debate is an embarrassment, frankly, around the world that looks at us as this model democracy… and this is on all of us.” https://t.co/NmfdUgBl6v https://t.co/VViG136I42
Republican @RepKinzinger say the shutdown stalemate is an international "embarrassment."
"Our inability to have this debate is an embarrassment, frankly, around the world that looks at us as this model democracy… and this is on all of us." https://t.co/NmfdUgBl6v pic.twitter.com/VViG136I42— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) January 17, 2019