@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@MichaelAvenatti says President Trump and his attorney, Michael Cohen, were running a “criminal enterprise.”
“These guys… make mobsters look good, frankly. I mean these guys are operating their criminal enterprise, and they’re C-class mobsters.” https://t.co/HypLeBp888 https://t.co/RfGBqwCgHU
.@MichaelAvenatti says President Trump and his attorney, Michael Cohen, were running a “criminal enterprise.”
“These guys… make mobsters look good, frankly. I mean these guys are operating their criminal enterprise, and they're C-class mobsters.” https://t.co/HypLeBp888 pic.twitter.com/RfGBqwCgHU
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) August 31, 2018