@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: Michael Cohen’s attorney @LannyDavis tells @ChrisCuomo his client pleaded guilty today because “he had a very difficult decision to make and decided to take responsibility.” “It was about telling the truth and about telling the truth about Donald Trump.” https://t.co/uWTQw05siE https://t.co/BgqVHD6Fwt

@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: Michael Cohen’s attorney @LannyDavis tells @ChrisCuomo his client pleaded guilty today because “he had a very difficult decision to make and decided to take responsibility.”

“It was about telling the truth and about telling the truth about Donald Trump.” https://t.co/uWTQw05siE https://t.co/BgqVHD6Fwt