@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: “I believe you can’t take the bias out of your actions… the bias speaks for itself.” Republican @RepChrisCollins tells @ChrisCuomo he believes Republicans were going after Peter Strzok and his bias, not the FBI in the rowdy hearing on Capitol Hill today https://t.co/C2FxeaaLhm https://t.co/k5UclcjX8A

@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: “I believe you can’t take the bias out of your actions… the bias speaks for itself.” Republican @RepChrisCollins tells @ChrisCuomo he believes Republicans were going after Peter Strzok and his bias, not the FBI in the rowdy hearing on Capitol Hill today https://t.co/C2FxeaaLhm https://t.co/k5UclcjX8A