@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: GOP @SenJohnKennedy says he hitched a ride on Air Force One on Monday and Trump indicated he won’t budge on the wall: “He does not believe you can secure a 1,900 mile border without having in part, some barriers and on this issue, he is strong as bear’s breath. He is resolute.” https://t.co/JaoBIgtCWl

@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: GOP @SenJohnKennedy says he hitched a ride on Air Force One on Monday and Trump indicated he won’t budge on the wall:

“He does not believe you can secure a 1,900 mile border without having in part, some barriers and on this issue, he is strong as bear’s breath. He is resolute.” https://t.co/JaoBIgtCWl