@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: CNN’s @secupp, who is friends with the McCain family, says its been a “long and trying year” but “the gift of time” the family had to anticipate and prepare meant they got to spend a lot of time together: “It was something the Senator really… leaned on” https://t.co/k7WJ2RC6sB https://t.co/RA1sCpzORY
CNN’s @secupp, who is friends with the McCain family, says its been a "long and trying year" but “the gift of time” the family had to anticipate and prepare meant they got to spend a lot of time together: "It was something the Senator really… leaned on" https://t.co/k7WJ2RC6sB pic.twitter.com/RA1sCpzORY
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) August 28, 2018