@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ChrisCuomo: Trump sees the truth as an option. We’ve never seen anyone that lies as much as he does…he’s been averaging 30 unique lies a day. He lies, he lies about lying and calls those who call out his lies “liars.” We will see Tuesday if lying works for President Trump. https://t.co/JnYhXJfE8i

@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ChrisCuomo: Trump sees the truth as an option. We’ve never seen anyone that lies as much as he does…he’s been averaging 30 unique lies a day.

He lies, he lies about lying and calls those who call out his lies “liars.” We will see Tuesday if lying works for President Trump. https://t.co/JnYhXJfE8i