@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@chriscuomo to @donlemon: President Trump “is a demagogue. He is pushing on themes that divide this country.
He believes in us versus them. He believes in it so much he is surrendering what was once his greatest gift in politics… which is a feel for the masses.” https://t.co/sZ0cXqLxI8
.@chriscuomo to @donlemon: President Trump "is a demagogue. He is pushing on themes that divide this country.
He believes in us versus them. He believes in it so much he is surrendering what was once his greatest gift in politics… which is a feel for the masses." pic.twitter.com/sZ0cXqLxI8
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) October 30, 2018