@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ChrisCuomo: “The President has never been more wrong than when he tweeted tonight the new documents from prosecutors totally clear him.
In fact he’s never had more to deal with, which is probably why he’s attack the probe and misleading people.” https://t.co/l2HwLD0L5J https://t.co/zdjei8VNgK
.@ChrisCuomo: "The President has never been more wrong than when he tweeted tonight the new documents from prosecutors totally clear him.
In fact he's never had more to deal with, which is probably why he's attack the probe and misleading people." https://t.co/l2HwLD0L5J pic.twitter.com/zdjei8VNgK
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) December 8, 2018