@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@chriscuomo: The idea that the Roe V. Wade battle is over is simply untrue. You hear it from any judge that comes up for confirmation from the left or the right but that’s the key. These judges are not blind. That fight is not over so you must stay aware. https://t.co/WNBIWW9jnf https://t.co/B76CSCDPp6

@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@chriscuomo: The idea that the Roe V. Wade battle is over is simply untrue. You hear it from any judge that comes up for confirmation from the left or the right but that’s the key. These judges are not blind. That fight is not over so you must stay aware. https://t.co/WNBIWW9jnf https://t.co/B76CSCDPp6