@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ChrisCuomo: “President Trump’s attack on the AT&T-Time Warner merger was never about keeping power from the few. It was about reinforcing the power of one. President Donald J. Trump” What happened here was wrong on the facts and rotten in its inception. https://t.co/KU7fPPbstH https://t.co/i5UCcCwgNd

@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ChrisCuomo: “President Trump’s attack on the AT&T-Time Warner merger was never about keeping power from the few. It was about reinforcing the power of one. President Donald J. Trump”

What happened here was wrong on the facts and rotten in its inception. https://t.co/KU7fPPbstH https://t.co/i5UCcCwgNd