@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@chriscuomo: Nearly a month into the shutdown, the dealmaker-and-chief still has no deal. But what he does have is ‘a major announcement’ he tweeted concerning the ‘Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border, and the Shutdown.’ Do you know what I call that? A distraction. https://t.co/OHw2IHTnnV
.@chriscuomo: Nearly a month into the shutdown, the dealmaker-and-chief still has no deal. But what he does have is 'a major announcement' he tweeted concerning the 'Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border, and the Shutdown.' Do you know what I call that? A distraction. pic.twitter.com/OHw2IHTnnV
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) January 19, 2019