@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@chriscuomo: MLK told us, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.”
Amen, Dr. King. You and your words are remembered, especially now when bigotry has again raised its ugly head. https://t.co/7lxyuQJuzN
.@chriscuomo: MLK told us, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that."
Amen, Dr. King. You and your words are remembered, especially now when bigotry has again raised its ugly head. pic.twitter.com/7lxyuQJuzN
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) January 19, 2019