@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ChrisCuomo: “I’ve never seen anger or animus lead to anything but more of the same –– anger is not the antidote to anger –– truth and righteous passion are… You must respect yourself and the stakes enough not to resemble what you oppose” #CuomoPrimetime https://t.co/8aP4UwQ51K https://t.co/OuzHFtmPnm

@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ChrisCuomo: “I’ve never seen anger or animus lead to anything but more of the same –– anger is not the antidote to anger –– truth and righteous passion are… You must respect yourself and the stakes enough not to resemble what you oppose” #CuomoPrimetime https://t.co/8aP4UwQ51K https://t.co/OuzHFtmPnm