@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ChrisCuomo: From today’s events we know our President is not the solution.
Maybe we can’t count on POTUS but… the power is truly in the people. You control what resonates and what is rewarded in politics… We can show what we are at our best and I hope we take that chance. https://t.co/IaGkWkF1N9
.@ChrisCuomo: From today's events we know our President is not the solution.
Maybe we can't count on POTUS but… the power is truly in the people. You control what resonates and what is rewarded in politics… We can show what we are at our best and I hope we take that chance. pic.twitter.com/IaGkWkF1N9
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) October 25, 2018