@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ananavarro on alleged voter fraud in NC: “To me this is a gimme for Republicans. They’ve already lost 40. 41 is not going to make a difference. This is one where they can come out and have a moral standard.” @ChrisCuomo: “You’re calling it a gimme. I see it as a takee” https://t.co/AByeyIv12a

@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: .@ananavarro on alleged voter fraud in NC: “To me this is a gimme for Republicans. They’ve already lost 40. 41 is not going to make a difference. This is one where they can come out and have a moral standard.”

@ChrisCuomo: “You’re calling it a gimme. I see it as a takee” https://t.co/AByeyIv12a