@CNN: RT @CNNSitRoom: “I think his biggest legal fear is that his Republican base will abandon him, because that’s what keeping him in office,” @JeffreyToobin says about President Trump.
“As long as that’s in tact, he’s not going anywhere.” https://t.co/5ptxIb9Cr4 https://t.co/zGjibpjMKA
“I think his biggest legal fear is that his Republican base will abandon him, because that’s what keeping him in office,” @JeffreyToobin says about President Trump.
"As long as that’s in tact, he’s not going anywhere.” https://t.co/5ptxIb9Cr4 pic.twitter.com/zGjibpjMKA
— The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) December 13, 2018