@CNN: RT @CNNPolitics: President Trump lays out his four-step plan on immigration: 1. Path to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants 2. Fully secure the border with the wall 3. End visa lottery program 4. End family-based migration #SOTU https://t.co/DQZl7DjjmM https://t.co/P2S1RtqxG7

@CNN: RT @CNNPolitics: President Trump lays out his four-step plan on immigration:

1. Path to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants
2. Fully secure the border with the wall
3. End visa lottery program
4. End family-based migration #SOTU https://t.co/DQZl7DjjmM https://t.co/P2S1RtqxG7