@CNN: RT @CNNnewsroom: “By any means necessary it appears at this point, Wolf, facts be damned,” says @Acosta of White House press briefing in which Sarah Sanders said President Trump was “stating facts” when mocking Christine Blasey Ford at a campaign rally in Mississippi https://t.co/nBY0KMDvp6 https://t.co/upq2ARWqYf
"By any means necessary it appears at this point, Wolf, facts be damned," says @Acosta of White House press briefing in which Sarah Sanders said President Trump was “stating facts” when mocking Christine Blasey Ford at a campaign rally in Mississippi https://t.co/nBY0KMDvp6 pic.twitter.com/upq2ARWqYf
— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) October 3, 2018