@CNN: RT @AC360: “You can’t just dangle Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West in our face and say, ‘look, I have a change of heart'”
Raymond Santana, an exonerated member of the Central Park 5, criticizes President Trump’s commutation of Alice Marie Johnson’s sentence https://t.co/ZZtFL2EkRn https://t.co/6zXzPYWTVt
"You can't just dangle Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West in our face and say, 'look, I have a change of heart'"
Raymond Santana, an exonerated member of the Central Park 5, criticizes President Trump's commutation of Alice Marie Johnson's sentence https://t.co/ZZtFL2EkRn pic.twitter.com/6zXzPYWTVt
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) June 8, 2018