@CNN: RT @AC360: “There’s a problem [on the border,] not a crisis,” independent @SenAngusKing tells @andersoncooper. “[T]his question is really all about ‘is a wall… is that the right answer in all cases along a 2,000 mile border?’ Of course it isn’t.” https://t.co/aBGr66ORbg https://t.co/cLYnmMJZg3

@CNN: RT @AC360: “There’s a problem [on the border,] not a crisis,” independent @SenAngusKing tells @andersoncooper.

“[T]his question is really all about ‘is a wall… is that the right answer in all cases along a 2,000 mile border?’ Of course it isn’t.” https://t.co/aBGr66ORbg https://t.co/cLYnmMJZg3