@CNN: RT @AC360: .@andersoncooper: President Trump has said for years the polls are rigged and the news is fake. Now new reporting shows his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, hired a company to rig polls and make fake news… then he allegedly stiffed them. #KeepingThemHonest https://t.co/qx1e2L2Ndh https://t.co/6vgcIDl0yi

@CNN: RT @AC360: .@andersoncooper: President Trump has said for years the polls are rigged and the news is fake. Now new reporting shows his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, hired a company to rig polls and make fake news… then he allegedly stiffed them. #KeepingThemHonest https://t.co/qx1e2L2Ndh https://t.co/6vgcIDl0yi