@CNN: President Trump announces his 2020 campaign slogan: “Keep America Great!” https://t.co/hKeK7AB2h6 March 10, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: President Trump announces his 2020 campaign slogan: “Keep America Great!” https://t.co/hKeK7AB2h6 President Trump announces his 2020 campaign slogan: "Keep America Great!" https://t.co/hKeK7AB2h6 — CNN (@CNN) March 11, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Seeking a jungle escape with volcanoes, gorillas and adventure? This resort is part of a new wave of luxury resorts aimed at transforming Rwanda into an upscale adventure destination. https://t.co/qfMQsvurEG https://t.co/hPIF7TS50a 6 years ago
@CNN: Gretchen Carlson: “We need to turn men from enablers and bystanders into allies” https://t.co/vfvUqkCht5 https://t.co/35u0QzGxwW 7 years ago
@CNN: The government in Delhi has turned to an unusual solution to tackle air pollution: a water mist cannon https://t.co/UpQCrWQdjH https://t.co/lEztXoYPQM 7 years ago
@CNN: George W. Bush’s favorable rating has grown from 33% to 61% since he left office https://t.co/oXCsyPQr3F https://t.co/eesthS9e5i 7 years ago
@CNN: Roseanne Barr called the racially offensive tweet that triggered her firing a “big misunderstanding” and “a big mistake,” reiterating that she was “sad that people thought it was racist” during a wide-ranging TV interview https://t.co/GeN3MRGCuu https://t.co/iAH0WT6B0F 6 years ago
@CNN: President Trump was more instrumental than previously known in scrapping plans to move the FBI headquarters out of Washington to the DC suburbs, according to newly released emails https://t.co/KSJDtean7M https://t.co/Bj2aajS422 6 years ago