@CNN: Powerball jackpot worth $750 million is up for grabs https://t.co/Nnp9ho23Wc https://t.co/zncgoLAijY October 27, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Powerball jackpot worth $750 million is up for grabs https://t.co/Nnp9ho23Wc https://t.co/zncgoLAijY Powerball jackpot worth $750 million is up for grabs https://t.co/Nnp9ho23Wc pic.twitter.com/zncgoLAijY — CNN (@CNN) October 27, 2018 cnn
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@CNN: A British heterosexual couple who objected to the “patriarchal” institution of marriage have won a legal claim for discrimination because civil partnerships are only available to same-sex couples. https://t.co/N3Qu5QCaIU 6 years ago
@CNN: At least 107 measles cases have been confirmed across more than 20 states https://t.co/z19h8v7vbm https://t.co/R5iaLaMbtr 6 years ago
@CNN: A fifth child from the Hart family, killed when their intoxicated adoptive mother drove the family off a California cliff last year, has been identified with the help of the girl’s biological mother, police say https://t.co/sc08WCv1BU https://t.co/RuTcg6ls8R 6 years ago
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@CNN: RT @CNNBusiness: What’s the “True Cost of Christmas” in 2018? Buying all 364 gifts from “The 12 Days of Christmas” will require $170,609.46, up nearly $800 from last year, according to PNC, who annually calculates the cost of goods and services in the holiday song. https://t.co/mmZwcrxp7t https://t.co/BABp2lkT9b 6 years ago