@CNN: Pope’s visit fails to soothe Irish fury over abuse https://t.co/aDXzVA53FG https://t.co/i4Q1z5RI1d August 26, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Pope’s visit fails to soothe Irish fury over abuse https://t.co/aDXzVA53FG https://t.co/i4Q1z5RI1d Pope's visit fails to soothe Irish fury over abuse https://t.co/aDXzVA53FG pic.twitter.com/i4Q1z5RI1d — CNN (@CNN) August 26, 2018 cnn
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@CNN: The Senate is set to hold a pair of test votes on competing proposals to reopen the government. Both are expected to fail with no clear consensus between Democrats and Republicans over how to end the longest shutdown in US history. https://t.co/nCy9dtgzGB https://t.co/hdvE05SZdd 6 years ago
@CNN: Does President Trump care about prison reform? Jared Kushner: “He’s actually spent a lot of time on the issue… [Trump] has a lot of compassion that not a lot of people get to see as much as I do… he sees [prison reform] as a fairness issue” #CITIZENCNN https://t.co/6HB7IoYO7j https://t.co/YamRr26tbE 6 years ago