@CNN: New York is the hot spot for Big Tech https://t.co/Y5Q0dEeKz4 https://t.co/D1t9RgkJJw November 8, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: New York is the hot spot for Big Tech https://t.co/Y5Q0dEeKz4 https://t.co/D1t9RgkJJw New York is the hot spot for Big Tech https://t.co/Y5Q0dEeKz4 pic.twitter.com/D1t9RgkJJw — CNN (@CNN) November 8, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Hillary Clinton says it’s time to abolish the US Electoral College https://t.co/bU9FXmchgA https://t.co/cdP5u4vnsN 7 years ago
@CNN: How much do corporate tax cuts help workers? The story behind Donald Trump’s $4,000 claim https://t.co/pfpiG7w5dN https://t.co/vY6lJAIw51 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @CuomoPrimeTime: “This is not a search for truth, it is a chance for Republican members of the House to preen and posture before their most radical, conspiracy-minded constituents.” Embattled FBI agent Peter Strzok’s lawyer slams the House Judiciary Committee after subpoena for a public hearing. https://t.co/eHihvyvGRF 6 years ago
@CNN: “The special counsel’s investigation is ongoing”: At the end of his remarks about the indictments, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein said special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation isn’t finished yet https://t.co/bDuFW7Ik2T https://t.co/QY5k5ys6XV 7 years ago
@CNN: A baby born with her heart outside her body has survived three surgeries to insert it back into her chest https://t.co/4SmNhaZh6W https://t.co/kxByA7AIEo 7 years ago
@CNN: Last year, CNN’s Nima Elbagir went undercover to witness a human slave auction in Libya, where smuggled men were sold to the highest bidder. Her report ignited protests and international condemnation: https://t.co/MUnAnCtZ8J https://t.co/5LHlUFvX8O 6 years ago