@CNN: Jay Thomas, an actor whose credits include roles on “Cheers” and “Murphy Brown,” has died after a battle with cance… https://t.co/LyVxgtXKfZ August 24, 2017 / The Arbiter / CNN / No Comments @CNN: Jay Thomas, an actor whose credits include roles on “Cheers” and “Murphy Brown,” has died after a battle with cance… https://t.co/LyVxgtXKfZ from http://twitter.com/CNN cnn
@CNN: A top Netflix executive has left the company after he used the N-word in front of colleagues on more than one occasion https://t.co/cb10Z3vhgt 6 years ago
@CNN: How the Postal Service ended up with a Vegas version of Statue of Liberty on its Forever stamp https://t.co/sWGTrDfWKi https://t.co/vI31KHCyKb 6 years ago
@CNN: A plane carrying 103 people crashed, then burned in Mexico and no one died https://t.co/zxwDOalDSg https://t.co/mWAVDZxNo8 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNTonight: John Kelly: “I don’t think I’m being fired today and I’m not so frustrated in this job that I’m thinking of leaving… https://t.co/leZjGSgI68 7 years ago
@CNN: A mother whose toddler died weeks after they were released from a Texas immigrant detention center has filed a wrongful death claim, seeking $60 million from the US government https://t.co/KGhq7fdAMJ 6 years ago
@CNN: “He’s an amazing man and we need more people like him”: An anonymous man calling himself Santa walked into a Walmart store and picked up almost everyone’s tab — including the charges on layaway items for customers who weren’t even there https://t.co/7pWZWRc5Uf https://t.co/CtRO4BgsqK 6 years ago