@CNN: Howard Schultz and the promise of the CEO president https://t.co/jE1LYfzom8 https://t.co/UmjWCtb4Es January 29, 2019 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Howard Schultz and the promise of the CEO president https://t.co/jE1LYfzom8 https://t.co/UmjWCtb4Es Howard Schultz and the promise of the CEO president https://t.co/jE1LYfzom8 pic.twitter.com/UmjWCtb4Es — CNN (@CNN) January 29, 2019 cnn
@CNN: Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when he was in high school, has previously told friends she feels uncomfortable when she is in enclosed spaces, like in airplanes https://t.co/vOoruVvnHu https://t.co/F8xG2BQ4rS 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNSitRoom: Rep. Andre Carson says it’s “important for the Democrats to regain the House, so we can reopen the Russia investigation” following Roger Stone revealing he talked to Trump campaign about WikiLeaks in 2016 https://t.co/lgkkfVIGfm https://t.co/9txCj8sqgv 6 years ago
@CNN: A new study says that sleeping for more than six to eight hours a night is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease and death https://t.co/QRqEtjpjKS 6 years ago
@CNN: Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has the lowest public support since Robert Bork in 1987, a new CNN poll finds https://t.co/lDhUe6G7lL 6 years ago
@CNN: Why negotiating with North Korea is fraught with risk https://t.co/kxDM4mJB7G https://t.co/ucjCD8Aj0H 6 years ago
@CNN: FEMA Administrator Brock Long says he has no plans to resign amid an investigation into his travel using government resources https://t.co/m6tKE9sSUZ https://t.co/CQLBtG9jw0 6 years ago