@CNN: How Apple got us to pay so much for the iPhone https://t.co/S0vQjHQF0w https://t.co/9yrjs7O9kN September 13, 2018 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: How Apple got us to pay so much for the iPhone https://t.co/S0vQjHQF0w https://t.co/9yrjs7O9kN How Apple got us to pay so much for the iPhone https://t.co/S0vQjHQF0w pic.twitter.com/9yrjs7O9kN — CNN (@CNN) September 14, 2018 cnn
@CNN: Rise of the (vending) machines: Singapore takes convenience to the next level https://t.co/WWTKy1inn9 (via @CNNTravel) https://t.co/cULodm46rp 6 years ago
@CNN: No ropes, no nets. A daredevil climber known as the “French Spiderman” scaled a 750-foot London skyscraper with his bare hands https://t.co/YpKTP7MHtl https://t.co/tv8gqK8mIo 6 years ago
@CNN: Hawaii spent 38 uneasy minutes after officials say an incoming ballistic missile alert was sent out in error https://t.co/JSFwvVa8fN https://t.co/G3Kki5thr0 7 years ago
@CNN: Some of America’s top executives aren’t so sure they’ll invest their offshore cash in the US https://t.co/X8Uhjcgx5q https://t.co/w8qpxkCuY3 7 years ago
@CNN: RT @OutFrontCNN: In a letter written in 1983, SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh describes himself and his friends as “loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers” — a stark contrast to the image Kavanaugh painted of himself during his testimony before the Senate last week https://t.co/Ylhk9U0PIF https://t.co/XSHq4UqHQS 6 years ago
@CNN: A main proponent of the Russia sanctions law known as the Magnitsky Act says Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Trump campaign associates in 2016, is “a full-on agent” of Moscow https://t.co/B404bnundu https://t.co/0jjcyOw8TB 6 years ago