@CNN: Hillary Clinton is meeting with possible 2020 Democrats https://t.co/cJBgQbo114 https://t.co/aHxmFW0XAq January 6, 2019 / The Arbiter / CNN @CNN: Hillary Clinton is meeting with possible 2020 Democrats https://t.co/cJBgQbo114 https://t.co/aHxmFW0XAq Hillary Clinton is meeting with possible 2020 Democrats https://t.co/cJBgQbo114 pic.twitter.com/aHxmFW0XAq — CNN (@CNN) January 6, 2019 cnn
@CNN: The UK is trying to rein in CEO pay. It isn’t working. https://t.co/BbNPU2Y8or https://t.co/hkmVLeTRNi 6 years ago
@CNN: This is how airplane seats for the world’s longest flight are made https://t.co/QO83CcPll0 https://t.co/EQUzLFsfM2 6 years ago
@CNN: Frank Zappa is hitting the road again — nearly 24 years after his death — as a hologram https://t.co/XMIzCfEun6 https://t.co/MVuZ81Qpgi 7 years ago
@CNN: We’re watching markets open after minutes from the latest Fed meeting showed a continued commitment to raise interest rates. Tune in on Facebook: https://t.co/3I3jMCDYrO https://t.co/L5ItSBscIP 6 years ago
@CNN: A Japanese employee has been docked half a day’s pay for repeatedly leaving his desk a few minutes early to eat lunch https://t.co/bTWGbD7FNE 6 years ago
@CNN: RT @CNNSitRoom: “Expressing your opinion about what’s happening with in the Trump administration in no way violates the Constitution of the law,” says Rep. Beyer about Trump calling on Sessions to investigate the identity of the unnamed official who penned the NYT op-ed https://t.co/MV5uwHrmAO https://t.co/1roMXUwV7v 6 years ago